London Road, Ramsgate. CT11 0ZZ

Collective Worship

Collective worship at Christ Church C of E Junior School aims to promote spiritual, emotional and cultural development following the teaching and example of Jesus. We aim for our worship to be invitational, inclusive and non-confessional and provide many opportunities for children to develop their spiritual life through reflection.

We invite children and the school community to partake in Collective Worship daily. We use the Diocese of Canterbury collective worship plans, which follows the structure of gathering together as a whole school community, engaging with bible stories and passages, responding through prayer, songs and music and sending everyone back into the school community with the hope that they apply what they have learnt into their daily lives.

Worship timetable

Monday– whole school worship led by SLT, local Reverand or layperson.

Tuesday and Thursday– classroom based worship led by teachers and Good Samaritan team.

Wednesday– whole school worship. Bible stories and praise and reflect, planned and led by the Good Samaritan team, supported by teachers.

Friday– whole school celebration worship led by Headteacher or SLT.

Celebration worship is when we come together to celebrate the achievements of one another. It is also an opportunity for anyone that has demonstrated qualities of a good Samaritan or exhibited our Christian values.

Find out more about Good Samaritan Team Here