Opening and Closing Times
Our school day starts at 08:35am and finishes at 15:05pm.There are always two members of staff to welcome the children into the school in the morning when the gates open at 08:30am. The children are then greeted by their teacher as they come into their classroom to start the school day.
Collective Worship
Our Collective Worship sessions are at 08:45am Monday – Friday
- Monday, we have whole school worship led by Dr Clarke or Mr Tucker who like to set us up with a thought for the week.
- Tuesdays we have individual class collective worship led by the Class Teachers and there is often a lesson about team work, friendship and working together.
- Wednesday the whole school come together to praise and reflect.
- Thursday we have year group collective worship occasionally with a visitor to lead the assembly.
- Friday we have a whole school celebration to acknowledge individual and group successes within school and beyond. We also look at our attendance. which class will win the Attendance award this week?
Morning playtimes
We have a split morning break from 10:00am – 10:15am for years 3 / 4 and years 5 / 6 from 10:30am – 10:45am. Our Teaching Assistants lead this playtime and we have a variety of play equipment available to the children.
Lunchtime is from 11:45am – 12:45pm and we have two lunch sittings in that time. Our library is open and frequented by avid readers and bookworms each day and is staffed by our friendly, approachable librarian, who is happy to offer support and advice in choosing and finding reading books.
We have a wide variety of school dinner options available to our children.