A school uniform greatly contributes to a child’s sense of belonging and pride in their school and we expect all children to wear uniform from the following list:-
Plain navy skirt or pinafore dress
Navy blue or dark grey long or short trousers – NO LEGGINGS.
Plain white blouse, shirt or polo shirt,
Navy blue jumper, cardigan or school sweatshirt.
Black or white socks and black shoes, (low heel, no boots. If your child needs boots for the winter please provide shoes for indoor wear).
Blue and white check dress in summer (optional).
Plimsolls and trainers
White or navy t-shirt,
Navy blue or black shorts
Navy or black track suit for cold days.This all needs to be kept at school in a named P.E. bag Our uniform can be purchased from:
The Schoolwear Centre in Addington Street, Margate. CT9 1QS
Tel: 01843 293555
Or online at: