Welcome to Year 3

Mrs Allchurch, Miss Cribbens and Mrs Murdoch would like to welcome you all to Year 3 at Christ Church CofE Junior School.
Here is some information you may find useful about Year 3.
Mrs Murdoch – Matisse Class Teacher
Mrs Misi – Teaching Assistant Matisse Class
Mrs Allchurch/Miss Cribbens – Van Gogh Class Teachers
Mrs West – Teaching Assistants Van Gogh Class
Mrs Miles – 1-1 Teaching Assistant
We LOVE reading here at Christ Church, and reading is a big part of our school day. We have a story time for at least 15 minutes every day, where adults read to the children, either a story linked to a particular topic, or a book that the children have chosen just because they want to hear it!
We also have a dedicated time when the children read quietly and independently by themselves. They are encouraged to get cosy and comfortable (as much as is possible within a classroom), as no one chooses to sit and read at a desk at home! We are so lucky to have a wonderful, purpose built reading area full of cushions and bean bags that the children can spend time enjoying books in throughout the day.
We love to hear about the children reading at home, and encourage them to read to you for at least 15 minutes every evening. Please let us know what reading your child has done at home by writing in their reading record book. This can be reading of any kind, including magazines, instruction manuals, recipes etc. What we want to encourage is the love and purpose of reading.
Over the year writing sessions include creative writing, spelling, grammar, reading comprehension, speaking and listening skills, drama, handwriting, non-fiction work and research skills. We take a creative, cross curricular approach to our learning, so English is embedded within history, geography, science or RE topics as much as possible. We love linking our writing to our reading, so we use books and stories that link whenever we can e.g. we use ‘The Stone Age Boy’ and ‘How to Wash a Woolly Mammoth’ during the Stone Age topic.
We have a strong emphasis on joined up handwriting in our first term, and the children can earn a pen licence! This means that they get to use a pen for their work.
We use the Spelling Shed app to help us with spellings. This a great app that you can access at home too.
Maths lessons include mental arithmetic, problem solving & reasoning, number facts, calculations, understanding number, shape, measures and data handling.
We expect children to learn the times-tables focussing initially on 2, 5 and 10, then moving onto 3, 6, 4 and 8. Please work with your child to learn these times tables, and use them at any opportunity you can in the home. You can use the fun Times Tables Rock Stars app to help you with this.
Each term we develop our history and geography skills through a topic. We aim to choose topics that the children will love, so that they will face school and lessons with enthusiasm. Our overall topic is called ‘This Green and Pleasant Land’, which is broken down into terms: ‘The UK’, ‘The Stone Age’, ‘From The Living Land to the Surging Seas’. We link as much of our learning as we can with our topic e.g. we study rocks and soils in science when we are learning about the Stone Age.
Other subjects
We also learn about computing, French, PE and games, art, design & technology, PSHE, dance and music. Again, as much as possible, we link our learning to our topics, but when there is no link, each subject is taught through standalone lessons.
PE kits should be left in school as PE takes place regularly during the week. No jewellery should be worn, so if your child wears earrings please show them how to remove them, or provide tape to cover them. We cannot provide this tape or put the tape on ears, so please show how to cover their ear rings by themselves. We also ask that long hair is tied back for PE. Children can wear white t-shirts with blue shorts. Dark tracksuit bottoms are generally worn for games lessons during the winter months. Please remind your child to take their PE kit home at the end of each term, and make sure that the clean kit is returned on the first day of a new term.
Each week your child will bring home English and maths homework. This homework is an extension of work covered in class. Maths homework is set every Monday, to be brought back on Wednesday. English is set every Thursday and returned on Monday.
If your child struggles with homework at home we have homework after-school clubs running on Monday for maths and Thursday for English. At the club a member of school staff will be on hand to encourage and support your child with their work in a relaxed environment.
During the year we plan a number of trips both locally and further afield. Trips relate to our topics and enhance the pupils’ learning experience. All school trips are extremely rewarding and stimulating for your child. A consent form is signed at the beginning of the year, which covers all local trips by foot.
Details of trips will be available nearer the time.
For lessons the school provides all essential equipment, but children can bring in one pencil case that will fit into their tray if they would like to.
We also encourage the children to drink plenty throughout the day, so please send a named water bottle in. Remind your child to bring it home each evening so they have fresh water the following day.
We like the children to take responsibility for their own property, so please help them by naming all uniform and equipment that they bring into school. This means it can be returned to them if they leave it somewhere around the school.
In Year 3 the children are encouraged to develop a responsible and mature attitude towards each other and approach to their work. We want every child to do their best so they can achieve their potential in all areas of school life.
We are always looking for opportunities to praise and reward effort, caring and supportive attitudes, independent learning and positive behaviour. Children can earn dojos at any time of the school day, (they can tell you all about them!) and each week children are chosen to receive the Head Teacher’s and GRIT awards during Celebration Collective Worship.
The school also awards children with a ‘Care, Courtesy and Consideration’ trip (CCC trip) three times a year. We look for children who demonstrate these qualities to be chosen for these special days out.
We are very much looking forward to working with you and your children in the coming year. If you have a query or concern please do not hesitate to contact us.
Thank you for your support and we look forward to getting to know you and your children better.
Mrs Allchurch, Miss Cribbens and Mrs Murdoch