Welcome to Year 4
Mrs Badder, Mrs Craven and Miss Stokes would like to welcome you all to Year 4 at Christ Church Junior School.
We would like to explain how Year 4 is organised and also highlight important aspects of our year group.
Mrs Badder – Gribinski Class Teacher
Mrs Wesley – Teaching Assistant Gribinski Class
Mrs Craven – Wain Class Teacher
Miss Stokes – Wain Class Teacher
Mrs Curtis – Teaching Assistant Wain Class
Miss Greagsbey – 1-1 Teaching Assistant
English will incorporate Creative Writing, Spelling, Grammar, Reading and Comprehension, Speaking-Listening, Drama, Handwriting, non-fiction work and research skills. We expect the children to read for a minimum of 10 minutes every evening. Please ensure your child records this in their reading diary and that you sign it accordingly.
Maths will include Mental Arithmetic, Using and Applying Maths, Number Facts, Calculations, Understanding Number, Shape, Measures and Data Handling. We expect children to know all times-tables up to 12 x 12. Please work with your child to learn these vital number facts.
Year 4 topics this year will include: Ancient Egyptians, Rivers, Ancient Greece, Our Planet, Europe and The Roman Empire
We also teach Maths, English, French, PE, RE, Art, Design Technology, Computing, PSHE and Music.
All equipment for writing is provided in school however, if children would like to bring in a small pencil case with their own stationary, that fits into their tray they are more than welcome. If children do this, then they must assume responsibility.
PE kits should be worn to school on PE days. T-shirt, shorts and plimsolls for inside PE, and tracksuit, t-shirt and trainers for outside PE. No jewellery should be worn, so if your child wears earrings please show them how to remove them, if they cannot be removed then please supply your child with ear tape. It is also asked that long hair is tied back for PE. Dark track suit bottoms and socks are generally worn for games lessons during the winter months.
It is also important that water bottles are brought in daily.
Homework for Year 4 is crucial. It will be an extension of work done in the classroom and there will be an emphasis on spelling, reading, writing and the reinforcement of mathematical skills. Maths homework will be set on MyMaths every week. Similarly, weekly spellings will be set on Spelling Shed every week and written in their spelling books. Times tables will be set on Times Table Rock Stars. All Year 4 pupils have a printout of their logins for all accounts. If they need an additional copy, then they should ask their teacher.
Each term your child will come home with an additional homework grid. These are activities based around the topic for the term. We encourage children to try one of the activities each week however, they can choose as many of the suggested activities to complete as they wish. We do ask that children bring any completed activities into school to share with their class.
Reading their AR book for at least 10 minutes each day and reading record book should be sign by an adult. AR books will need to be in school every day.
They should practice the weekly spellings every day ready for a test on a Friday. Please ensure that they bring their spelling book into school on a Friday ready for the new spellings to be written.
Times tables up to 12 x 12 should be practiced every day.
Children should choose an activity from the work set on MyMaths and try to complete an activity from the termly homework grid.
During the year we will plan several trips, both in the local area and further afield, details of which will be available nearer the time. These trips are usually linked to our topics and learning and can be extremely rewarding and stimulating for your child.
A consent form is signed at the beginning of the year, which covers all local trips by foot.
We hope that all children in Year 4 will have the opportunity to develop a responsible and mature attitude towards each other and in their approach to their work. There will be a strong emphasis on each child ‘doing his/her best’ in order to achieve their potential. Our aim is to encourage independence in working, yet also promote co-operation in group situations. Good effort and behaviour will be positively reinforced.
In Year 4 we aim both to manage any unacceptable behaviour as well as praising and rewarding excellent work and attitude from pupils. We look forward to being able to reward children for hard work, effort and behaviour at school. Each week class teachers will choose a ‘star of the week’ from their class who will be congratulated during Celebration Assembly. This pupil will have made the ‘right’ choices that week and have shown exemplary behaviour. The school also awards children with a ‘Care, Courtesy and Consideration’ trip three times a year. We will be looking for Year 4 children who demonstrate these qualities to be put forward for these days out. On a daily basis, children will be working towards ‘dojo points’ as recognition for an excellent piece of work or superb attitude in school.
We are very much looking forward to working with you and your children during the year. If, at any time, you have a query or concern, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s class teacher.
Thank you for your support.
Mrs Badder, Mrs Craven and Miss Stokes
Year 4 Teachers